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Just when I think I have my s#!t together

It's days like today that make me realize I am a hot mess. I want to be "totally-pulled-together, on top of things" mom, but i'm just least not today, I mean, I had an excuse the first 6 weeks of August's life. He was in the NICU, I was still recovering from an emergency c-section, and life was just downright chaotic. But now August is almost 3 months old and has been home from the NICU for 6 weeks. I sort of feel on top of things again. I *usually* get dinner on the table at night. I *usually* am on time for doctor appointments. I *usually* remember to brush my teeth. I sometimes shower...

I've been feeling more and more like I've got this "mom-of-three with two-under-two" thing down. I felt especially accomplished today. I planned ahead so that I could chaperone Madi's kindergarten field trip. My own mom was in town to watch August, and Beckett was going to preschool. Everyone was dressed and fed, sack lunches were made, and we were out the door on time. I even remembered to put sunscreen on Madi. I was ready to pat myself on the back! And then................

Nick called while we were waiting to load the buses at Madi's school.

"We have a dilemma" he calmly stated.

"What's wrong"?"

"Conferences are going on today."

"I know! I signed Beckett up for one later in the day." I was overly exuberant.

"That means there is no school."

"Oh, s#!t..."

............Everything ended up alright. My mom graciously watched both boys so I could still attend the field trip. And I just had to laugh it off. If I take myself too seriously, I just get disappointed. There will be days that I am going to feel like a hot mess - that's just the hustle and bustle of life. And even on those crazy disorganized days, my kids know how much I love them and THAT is what is most important. And tomorrow, I'll make sure I shower, remember to brush my teeth, double check that school IS in session, and feel like I'm back on top of it all (or maybe not).

Cheers to all the moms doing the best they can!


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My almost 6 year old daughter took this picture of me, hence the unappealing camera angle.  But this is how she sees me, so even though it's not the most glamorous picture, it works.  This is me.

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