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The Law of 168 Hours - Delicious Self-Care, Mini Series, Part 3

Here is Part 3 of the mini-series, 'Delicious Self Care', courtesy of my talented and extra-awesome friend, Stacy! If you missed Part 1 and 2, check them out first:


The world isn't fair.

We all have access to different levels of education, money and relationships. These differences are relevant as we mature and experience the awesomeness of being grown up. Life happens. Sometimes driven by the choices we make. And sometimes not.

We meet the love of our life at the 'perfect' time. Or, we don't.

We have the 'perfect' number of children at the right time. Or, we don't.

We have the 'perfect' job that accommodates a full and juicy life. Or, we don't.

We have a delicious village of friends and family close by to help us manage the realities of being grown up. Or, we don't.

Sometimes the choices made BY us and FOR us fuse into a lovely blend. And sometimes not. (As a sidebar, I don't know about everyone else, but I think the idea and glory of being grown up was TOTALLY over-sold for the first 18 years of my life!)

Despite all the uncertainties of being grown up, the icky sticky truth is that we all have access to the same 168 hours a week.

7 days a week.

24 hours a day.

168 hours.

Each of us has access to the same amount of time as everyone else on earth.

I came to this realization as part of a class I attended and was in disbelief. It was like I had just learned how to do simple addition and subtraction. My brain quivered a bit knowing that despite how different life can be - we all have access to the same hours in the day.

And then the sobering part: I chose to dissect how I spend my time using a white piece of paper, a sharpie, and an old fashioned pie chart. I quickly realized the power was in my hands! While big slivers of time were devoted to things like work and sleep, there was a lot of time left for the things and people I love most.

If it hadn't been for the silly pie chart exercise, I may still be complaining about lack of time. Now, when I have those cravings to complain, I get out my pie chart. I look at all the slivers of time that I can use, love, treasure or waste.

And then I put on my big girl underwear and decide to be intentional.

Cheers to living a delicious life!



Stacy is married to her high-school sweetheart. She is "mom" to three fantastic kids. She spends her days making an impact in the corporate world, where I had the privilege of working beside her for many years. She is also the creator and founder of Blue Raddish, an art collective in downtown Overland Park, KS. They specialize in affordable and functional art, and carry a special farm-fresh line of Lawson Lavender products.

Every moment with Stacy is a JOY -- she inspires, encourages, thinks outside the box, is inclusive, wildly creative, intentional, and can always bring a smile to your face.

Click here to learn more about Stacy and Blue Raddish.


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My almost 6 year old daughter took this picture of me, hence the unappealing camera angle.  But this is how she sees me, so even though it's not the most glamorous picture, it works.  This is me.

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